When your invoice goes overdue, being still unpaid past its due date, there will be some consequences as result of this, generally, 24 hours after due date, if an invoice still not paid, the system will automatically suspend the services associated with this invoice. But there are some other specifics that may differ according to the type of service.

In the following sections, we will be describing what will happen for services with unpaid invoices, according to the type of this service.

Shared Hosting:

If a shared hosting plan has an invoice that's overdue, the following actions are taken automatically by the system.

  1. The system will automatically send you the first overdue reminder after 24 hours from the due date  explaining the invoice is still being unpaid. Even before that, the system would have already sent you 2 email reminders 10 days and 7 days BEFORE the due date.
  2. If the invoice is still unpaid following 48 hours after its due date, the system will automatically suspend the service and send you a notice of this suspension.
  3. If it's still unpaid, the system will send you a second overdue notice 3 days after the due date.
  4. If still no payment or response, the system will send you a final notice 5 days after the due date.
  5. If still no response yet from you, the service is still restorable and will remain in our servers for a period of 2 weeks after due date. After this period passes, the service is deemed dormant now, and the system will automatically terminate and clear it from the servers, after which it can no longer be restored or recovered (this results in permanent data loss). You will automatically receive a service termination notice 24 hours before this action takes place.

Elite Business Hosting:

If a business hosting plan has an invoice that's overdue, the following actions are taken automatically by the system.

  1. The system will automatically send you the first overdue reminder after 24 hours from the due date  explaining the invoice is still being unpaid. Even before that, the system would have already sent you 2 email reminders 10 days and 7 days BEFORE the due date.
  2. If the invoice is still unpaid following 48 hours after its due date, the system will automatically suspend the service and send you a notice of this suspension.
  3. If it's still unpaid, the system will send you a second overdue notice 3 days after the due date.
  4. If still no payment or response, the system will send you a final notice 5 days after the due date.
  5. If still no response yet from you, the service is still restorable and will remain in our servers for a period of 6 days after due date. After this period passes, the service is deemed dormant now, and the system will automatically terminate and clear it from the servers, after which it can no longer be restored or recovered (this results in permanent data loss). You will automatically receive a service termination notice 24 hours before this action takes place.

VPS Server:

If a VPS server has an invoice that's overdue, the following actions are taken automatically by the system.

  1. The system will automatically send you the first overdue reminder after 24 hours from the due date  explaining the invoice is still being unpaid. Even before that, the system would have already sent you 2 email reminders 10 days and 7 days BEFORE the due date.
  2. If the invoice is still unpaid following 48 hours after its due date, the system will automatically suspend the service and send you a notice of this suspension.
  3. If it's still unpaid, the system will send you a second overdue notice 3 days after the due date.
  4. If still no payment or response, the system will send you a final notice 5 days after the due date.
  5. If still no response yet from you, the service is still restorable and will remain in our servers for a period of 6 days after due date. After this period passes, the service is deemed dormant now, and the system will automatically terminate and clear it from the servers, after which it can no longer be restored or recovered (this results in permanent data loss). You will automatically receive a service termination notice 24 hours before this action takes place.

Services Provided By 3rd Parties:

These include domains, SSL certificates, and Software licenses.


Domains have a specific expiration process that is described in a separate article, to view it, clink on this link:
Domain Expiration Process: https://dash.wevrlabs.net/knowledgebase/4771/Domain-Expiration-Process.html

SSL Certificates:

All SSL certificates are automatically cancelled by the issuing CA if it is not renewed before its expiration date. New orders for new SSL certificates must be placed if wishing to continue.

Software Licenses:

All Software licenses are automatically cancelled by the issuing entity if it is not renewed before its expiration date. New orders for new licenses must be placed if wishing to continue.

Reminders and Notices:

We will send multiple email notifications to you in a timely manner before your invoices are overdue, which is one of many reasons it is important for you to keep your email address with us current. Please remember it is your responsibility to ensure renewal of your services in a timely manner.

We make our best efforts to issue the reminders, but email is not 100% reliable and should not be depended upon exclusively to make sure your services do not expire, you need to keep entries and reminders in your calendar with the dates your services will be due for renewal. Also, it is always advised to keep your own backups of your hosting account files and databases.

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